Hofstede model: Colombia Vs South Korea

     Colombia Vs South Korea 

Geert Hofstede proposed six basic questions that society must meet in order to organize and calls them the dimensions of culture. Theme that leads us to reflect on what we reflect.

The six dimensions are themes that lead us to reflect on what we reflect as a society and not only this, what we as individuals think about these aspects and ultimately, how we impact the envioronment from our perspective on them.

  1. Power Distance: This means, this culture accept differences in power and respect authority.
  2. Individualism:This means, this culture focuses on teamwork and team well-being over personal gain.
  3. Masculinity:   In South Korea This means, this culture it is not governed around gender, both men and women have important roles and seek to build a quality environment. But in Colombia the gender difference is more marked, where male society tends to have greater opportunities.
  4. Uncertainly Avoidance:This means, this culture does not accept uncertainty and risk taking. New things are strictly handled.
  5. Long Term Orientation: In South Korea, this culture is focus on long-term success, are persistent, persevering and  they encourages thrift. In contrast, Colombia is a society that seeks short-term success, they think more about the present than the future.
  6. Indulgence: This means, this culture they prefer to follow social norms over their personal gratification, that is, they control their desires.


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